Eileen Francis

Hi everyone, I’m Eileen. I was born in Bangladesh and I grew up in Loma Linda, California. I completed my undergraduate education at UC Riverside where I majored in Biology. Between undergrad and medical school, I lived in the DC metro area for two years where I completed my master’s degree at Georgetown University before completing a fellowship with the National Institutes of Health. 

I moved back to Riverside for medical school where I benefitted from an incredibly diverse patient population. During medical school I was an Ultrasound Instructor at UCR, and I was heavily involved in EMIG, as well as the student-run free clinic. My interests within emergency medicine include critical care and ultrasound. 

Outside of medicine, I love traveling, trying new restaurants and breweries with my boyfriend and finding new ways to stay active. My most memorable adventures this year have been snowshoeing in Yosemite, exploring volcanic craters in Death Valley, and hiking down into the inner trails of the Grand Canyon. My partner and I both enjoy spending time outdoors and we are excited to continue our interests in hiking, camping and exploring all that Arizona has to offer.